Our Story

About us

We are a recently blended family of five. As the parents in this household, we have a variety of struggles with two bouts of cancer, a brain tumor, seizures, fibromyalgia, and hypertension between us. We are real people just trying to help others with similar difficulties bring back the joy and fun in your family's life.

Our happy family consists of three wonderful children with ages ranging from eight to seventeen. Between our children, we are challenged daily with diagnoses such as ADHD, Autism, and spirited personalities all around. They each have their strengths as well as struggles giving them each a delightful and unique addition to our family.

We are also blessed with several fur babies, such as our two quirky pups, three moody cats, and a chunky bunny. With this ever-growing circus, we are always looking for life hacks to make life just a little easier.

If you have questions about us please contact us through our contact us form. thanks.