Ultimate Parents Guide to Among Us

Bad Experiences

In one session while playing in a public game, we were in an encounter where the moderator kicked everyone except for themselves and two of us out. He asked us to “do it”, now this obviously is inappropriate, but we left and didn’t see another problem in the twenty or so games we played. This is, unfortunately, par for the course in online communities, believe it or not, your kids are probably better at dealing with this sort of thing than you are. That being said we cannot stress how important having a good line of communication with your children is. Let them know they can talk to you about what they are seeing or hearing online. It is the only way to make any online community safer.

Cyber Bullying

This is also something that can happen anytime you have kids that may want to instigate or “troll” individuals. If this starts it can escalate quickly and sometimes have many children picking on one individual or group. Cyberbullying can be just as detrimental to your child as in-person bullying and is unacceptable. If your child feels victimized make sure they know to bring it to your attention so that it can be reported properly.

Violence and Gore

The violence in the game does exist and though Among Us is very animated, it may not be suitable for some younger children. Our suggestion is to download it yourself and play a few games. If you do decide to let your child play Among Us, keep it installed on your phone and play with them from time to time. Recently, there have been some strings of hacking problems. The developer has since issued a patch to try and clean up these attacks.


Among Us is a fun simple game that has just skyrocketed in popularity during the COVID-19 lockdown. Among Us brings back a lot of nostalgia for games like Clue, or Mafia. It’s nice and wrapped up in a new modern theme of space, with quick fast-paced gameplay to keep the games going and never too dull. The social aspect is its greatest strength and in turn its greatest weakness. Among Us is a game that we want to recommend to all ages but we need to be cautious when allowing younger children to play. Follow our advice limiting games to private only until both you and your child are comfortable playing in the public rooms. Check out our full article on Cyberbullying and Child Internet Safety.


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