Week of 09/28-10/4
Monday, 9/28
World Rabies Day!– While none of us want to think about our babies getting such a horrible disease, it’s an important one to talk about. We all know what rabies is but what you may not know is in addition to this disease killing over 5,000 pets per year, it also takes the lives of over 59,000 people annually. While we may never be able to eradicate rabies, let’s do our part to help. Make sure to keep your pets vaccinated and up to date. Many people choose not to due to the financial burden but there are some great free and low-cost clinics now for vaccinations. Don’t see any in your area? Let us know and we will try to help.
Tuesday, 9/29
Happy Goose Day!- Goose Day also known as Michaelmas Day Was created to celebrate the Archangel, Michael. You may be asking at this point, what the heck does that have to do with an angel? Glad you asked. This particular day was also the day to elect magistrates in England, who at that time were considered to be guardians of the people such as Michael. In addition, this was also the day in the 15th century where people had to pay their rent which at that time was a goose. As long as you paid with a well-fed and plump goose your lease was renewed. While it would be much cheaper to pay our rents and mortgages with geese now, we can’t help but feel bad for the little guys.
Wednesday, 9/30
It’s Sea Otter Awareness Week!- Who doesn’t love the spunky little sea otters that look like they could be your best cuddle buddy? Today, take time to learn about this playful species that is rapidly becoming extinct. While it’s unlikely you have any wild sea otters nearby, take a few minutes and look up a live cam that many zoos offer. Educate your kids about the beautiful creatures and what we can do to help.
Thursday, 10/1
National Black Dog Day!– I’m sure that you have all heard superstitions regarding black cats but what about black dogs? Its true black dogs of any breed are less adaptable and stay in shelters longer. Many people think they look menacing or have a lack of expression. We’re here to tell you that this is absolutely not true. Black dogs are just as lovable and personable as any other color and have the great perk of almost never looking dirty! Also, while maybe they do blend more into pictures, imagine all the great shots you can get of them in the fluffy snow. This day is about spreading awareness and also to promote if you are looking to adopt a furry friend, check out the black ones first, they will love you for giving them a second chance.
Friday, 10/2
World Animal Month!– This great holiday was created back in 1925 by a cynologist in Berlin, Germany. While it is celebrated differently in every country, it all shares the same purpose, to provide wellness and welfare standards to all animals. This extends to wildlife, farm animals (even those that are at meat farms), and of course your pets. No matter the animal they deserve respect and to have a peaceful life. Do your part and volunteer at the local animal shelter, maybe make treats for the birds and squirrels outside, and don’t forget to give you furry family members something special.
Saturday, 10/3
Butterfly and Hummingbird Day!– There are many species of both the hummingbird and butterflies. Hummingbirds can be seen zipping around in many locations but several of the species are on the endangered list due to habitat loss. In an effort to help them find food and also see their beauty up close we recommend putting a hummingbird feeder or two.
Butterflies are also dwindling down due to habitat destruction and global warming. While it may be tempting to catch them and keep them we ask that you don’t as they usually don’t survive being held captive. Fun facts that you may not have known is that butterflies taste with their feet and are located on every continent except Antarctica.
Sunday, 10/4
National Walk Your Dog Week– There could not be a better time to get some fresh air and get the exercise you and your dog need! This holiday was created in 2010 to help battle canine obesity. This particular holiday was found to be so important that instead of a day, they instituted a week to allow people to add in this healthy habit. An added benefit is that you may find not only are you both getting healthier but your dog may be less destructive and anxious at home as well. So throw on your sneakers, grab a leash, and hit your local hiking trail!